Our customer's privacy is our number one concern. When you make a purchase from our site, you provide your name, email address, mailing address, and phone number. We will only use this information to process your order, and will never give this information to a third party.
Our website uses a secure server and encrption, protecting your information by utilization of secure data encryption through SSL (Secure Socket Layers). Your personal information cannot be read as it travels to our ordering system.
To keep you informed about our latest offers, we may notify you of current promotions, sales and new additions to our site. You may unsubscribe at any time by sending an email to remove@globalnett.com. All requests will be honored right away!
This store site is hosted by Equus. Equus hosts the store pages, ordering system, and order data. Equus automatically collects order information but may only use this information in the aggregate. Equus does not sell or distribute your private information.